How is Dart Rate Calculated

To calculate the DART rate, first you’ll need to find out the total number of injuries that required at least one day away from work or restricted or transferred work. The number of injuries is multiplied by 200,000, which represents 100 employees working 40 hours a week, for 50 weeks. Then that number is divided by the total number of employee labor hours at your company. The overall formula looks like this:

DART rate = Total number of DART incidents x 200,000 divided by the Number of Employee Labor Hours Worked

You may be able to defer an inspection if your company finds yourself in this position. If your business has an OSHA Strategic Partnership, is taking part in an On-Site Consultation Program, is an applicant for a Voluntary Protection Program or is in the process of meeting Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) requirements, you may be able to get an inspection deferral for 75 days to 18 months.

Calculating and taking notice of your DART rate is a good way to monitor how your business is doing on safety compared to years past, as well. Setting a goal of lower DART and incidence rates can help set a benchmark for risk and safety managers.

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